Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I don't know what to do for work anymore....

I'm at a crossroads at the moment.. I cannot keep "existing" in this area without decent income.

It's just NOT working out for me. I have NO decent friends in this town.. Asheville has become a really hateful city in my own opinion, but I've met my fair share of not so nice people here.

I cannot even get someone to call me up on my birthday to wish me happy birthday! Yeah, it's THAT bad.. what a wicked town..

I was crying about it yesterday while doing errands and I just cannot help it.... There's NO hope in this town for ANYTHING good to happen to me here. None.. I would be a fool to think this is a good place to live as far as jobs, friends, any kind of opportunity. This was once a nice place to live.. no more......

And you know what? I see ALL these low life people who are doing SO WELL in this town, and it just kinda makes me sick... I KNOW of folks who were born here, or lived here for decades and are BARELY making it.

Yet, all these folks who either JUST moved in, or are really & truly low-lifes are doing GREAT! It disgusts me.....

I cannot help it.. I just see what I see in fact. I don't make stuff up.. I do not need to.. It's just a fact.. This town has always been a not-so-great place to make a living but once they turned it into a mecca for all the weirdos, plus a haven for millionaires, just whatever good stuff was out there about Asheville, evaporated.

I think back as to how NICE people ONCE were in this town.. Both to newcomers and the regulars and I just cringe. I think someone has cast a spell on this town.
I wish someone had the forethought to create something WORTHWHILE in this town.

We could definitely use a movie studio in this town, but it will probably never occur. It's just blind stupidity.

You got a gorgeous part of Appalachia and instead of using that beauty to create jobs and films and opportunities, instead you take gorgeous tracts of land and turn them into car lots! Or cut down every tree standing and put up housing developments only the rich & famous can afford!

God, Asheville, whoever runs this city has NO brains whatsoever! It's just so darn stupid. So WHAT you got millionaires building their estates on top of mountain ridges.

If you got an economy where a college graduate can ONLY make $8/hr at best, you are really ONE FUCKED up city Asheville!
But then..... this is the south.. You have got to be the most stubborn and bull-headed people I've ever met. Once you natives make up an opinion about someone or something, NOTHING will change your mind, never mind how convincing the circumstances are.

I'm SO glad I was NOT born in the south... at least the deep south.. Not talking about Florida.. that would be a real nice place to grow up in and I wish my family never moved out of Florida..

There are just SO many people in FL from all parts of the country/world, etc. it's SO cosmopolitan... compared to the "regular" south.
Plus the weather is always warm.. you don't gotta worry bout heating bills, for sure...But I will tell you, it was DEFINITELY cheaper living in Florida than it EVER was living in NC! Food is cheaper, gas, etc.....
You see, I have lived in many areas, where there was a bunch of people who were from different countries, different states so, if you are NOT from a certain state, I don't care... I really don't.

But here in Asheville, you make it SUCH an ISSUE where one was BORN.. like you think you have some CONTROL over where you are BORN?!?!?!..... If you were from NORTH of the Mason-Dixon line, you're history! Don't expect to make friends easy here, cuz just SO many of the southerners here despise ANYONE not from the south. It's just SO narrow-minded of them... it's pitiful really!

You southerners are never going to change I'm afraid. It's weird cuz they are just so excited that Obama is president now, and yes, it's a good thing, a black man, or a half-black man was elected president. But to STILL despise the group of people who helped liberate the blacks to start with is just so contrary and hypocritical and yet be SO pleased Obama is president it's beyond comprehension.

I don't get their whole mindset, but I think it is a good thing. I was brought up to respect ALL people not just people from the North, or people who had the same EXACT heritage as me.. that would be really foolish and stupid imho!

Anyway.. all my best friends were from different countries that my family was from and we were all different religions too. One of my friends was even part American Indian and so I was just brought up in a melting pot of lots of different types of people.

I guess, perhaps, that's WHY I don't GET southerners. I don't understand their mindset. But a part of me, really does NOT want to get them. I don't like ALOT of their prejudices and think they are fools to think this way to start with.

I must say, though there are smart southerners running about, there's a bunch of really dumb ones too. The way they trim or rather mutilate their trees come spring, cutting them down to the main trunk.. wow, NEVER saw that anywhere else in the world.

Or the way they cut their dog's hair in the summer, like THAT is going to keep the dog cool! Wrong! Hey. I've lived in tropical regions and NO ONE cuts their dog's hair to the skin in the summer.. That doesn't work either.

Oh, well, what can one say???? I don't know... I miss the north and the northwest. People are just so much more open and less critical of your heritage there.. It's just much more progressive places to live than living in the south, that's for sure!
Even the midwest.. gosh.. you know people are not generally so mindful of where exactly you are born, nor do they care!

Get over yourselves, southerners. You act like you are all so brilliant and the rest of the world are morons. Wrong, very very wrong....
The attitude in the south, in many ways is a disgrace to this nation. Remember this is the United States.

I think they need to pass a law saying that it's illegal to discriminate against people from a certain state. I know you cannot do that to people of a different nationality.

So.. WHY should the southerners be allowed to NOT talk to, not be decent to.. or not, in many cases, even HIRE people not born in the south. That's definitely discrimination!

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