Sunday, May 23, 2010

What does it take to get someone to be kind to you in this town?

I have to ask that, or should I just GIVE UP? I think I need to develop the attitude that almost NO ONE is pleasant around here, and then I won't keep getting disappointed!
You'd think I was living in the middle of downtown New York during some very bad times, not a place like Asheville, but this place is a myth! It's an awful place to live, cuz it's SO dangerous, low paying, people drive like maniacs and you're almost KILLED several times a day cuz NO ONE gives a darn about anyone but themselves, though it's TOUTED as being one of the BEST places to live in the southeast!
They JUST had an article and ever a MARCH over the fact that one of the MOST busy & dangerous places to walk in Asheville, East Asheville has the LEAST sidewalks and often NOTHING but a GOAT path! Oh, YEAH, we're a GREAT place to live! So "green", so "progressive"... so "pro-pedestrian"..... (eyes rolling) so WRONG!

Don't think that for a minute! If you are a working person, don't even CONSIDER coming here. you'll not survive! I've read at least a FEW newspaper articles where people came here, couldn't find work or a decent job and completely DRAINED their bank accounts! Of thousands of dollars even, $20,000, etc... not a good thing.
You know FINALLY they come out in the paper today in the AVL citizen times, and admitted that it's the Worst place in the state to try make a living due to the LOUSY wages (they quoted many workers as only getting $16,000 a year! $16,000 in the year 2010!
Asheville, who the FUCK are you TRYING to kid anyways? $16K is a LOUSY wage to earn in this day & time, and we're also KNOWN to be the most EXPENSIVE place to live, housing wise.. So trying to live here puts you between a rock and a hard place financially unless you LIKE draining your bank account!!
actually in MANY ways we're the most expensive, our gas is the highest in the area, probably the state, as the tankers always have to drive up a mountain to deliver gas to us!
Oh, for god's sake. STOP fucking lying and pretending this is a decent place to live! If you cannot even pay your basic living expenses you are NOT doing well, no matter HOW pretty it is! How pretty is it, to go without food, cuz you've spent all the money you earn to pay your rent/mortgage?
Then they were saying they were doing a GOOD job attracting jobs to this area! ROTFLOL..

Oh, well, WHAT fucking jobs are those? And you know what I notice.. MOST of the jobs are just service jobs and I don't see ONE single person, usually over 30 years old in those jobs!
My friend came here, and he's very talented guy and couldn't even get a 3 day a week job! He ended up having to drive a beer truck to pay his expenses and his housing situation was deplorable! He sure didn't look 30 either! I thought he was about 25 when I met him.. but he's gone now... Too bad, he was a NICE guy, but all the NICE people end up leaving!
So.. if you are OVER 30, good luck even GETTING a job, even a frigged up job like a crummy retail or restaurant job for over $7.50 an hour! That's RIDICULOUS! There's NOTHING progressive about this town! To live like a pauper cuz there are pretty moutains in the distance is nonsense!
What Asheville? You think you are the ONLY pretty place in this country... or the WORLD?? Cuz you sure ACT like it! I've lived dozens of more beautiful places than this one, many of them tourist-driven economies too and I can tell you, NO ONE was living hand to mouth like they are FORCED to do in this town!
Florida is a BIG tourist area, but YET, those people do NOT live hand to mouth, like they do here in Asheville!
What a fucked up state NC is! They have the MOST taxes on EVERYTHING here.. Even a newspaper is taxed! Seeds for a garden, bubble gum!
AND WHAT the F are they doing with the money they gleam from ALL these taxes I want to know? Our roads SUCK, period! They cannot even THINK to bring sidewalks to East Asheville cuz they are CONCERNED it will cost at least $250,000 but yet in the SAME newspaper, they are bragging they put new SIGNS for the tourists up to find stuff that cost them $1.65 million. And they SURE were not the LEAST bit concerned about spending $1.65 million on silly tourist signs, but couldn't find it in their heart to put up SIDEWALKS that only cost $250,000!
Oh, this is SUCH a kind-hearted town! So NOT true at all! Even the poor veterans couldn't have a SAFE place to walk to go visit the VA hospital day after day when they needed medical treatment! THAT is kind???? Who the FUCK are you fooling anyways?

you surely DO NOT fool me, that's for damn sure...... but then I have a BRAIN! So sorry your local residents who've lived here all their lives do NOT! Sorry, to the ones who do.. but honestly, if you were living any other place, people would be PROTESTING day & night in the streets to change things..
You just go with the flow! Dumb, so very fucking dumb! I even heard that in Tennessee they were putting on protest marches in DROVES cuz they had laws that the residents did NOT like! Yeah, I need to move west of here.. at least TN people have brains! They also have courtesy! Something I've sorely missed living in WNC!
I remember my friend from TN telling me YEARS ago that people in NC were hateful, and you know, he's SO right! So very very right! It's sad, but it's true..
Who in their RIGHT mind wouldn't want to pass laws to prevent animals cruelty and YET hail themselves as "progressive", meaning they had some concern for others besides themselves!

well, maybe you have CONCERN for all the gays, and all the people COVERED with tattoos and piercings but you CERTAINLY have NO concern for the little guy here, NONE!

Yeah. you are SO concerned with the residents in this town who FOOT THE BILL FOR THE TOURISTS! You can spend $1.65 MILLION on SIGNS but yet, putting out $250,000 on SIDEWALKS which would keep people ALIVE is NOT one of your concerns.
Good going Asheville city planners! Once again, you've fucked up royally! :X

So.. let me guess.. You DEMAND tourists (who are only here for a few DAYS) EASILY find a place to buy a shirt or a meal they crave, but GOD FORBID you make it SAFE for the people who live here ALL their LIVES and pay your bloody taxes every god damn single day can safely even walk in their own neighborhoods!

Really smart Asheville! This town makes me PUKE with their ridiculous and stupid decisions! In fact the whole STATE has the most STUPID laws I've ever seen! They just had an article about a puppy being beaten and burned over 60% of his body, yet there's NO LAWS in the state to even give that person who injured that poor puppy a single DAY in jail!

Oh, yeah, Asheville, & NC in general..... you're just so fucking progressive! Pffffft! What other fucking ridiculous ideas do you expect us to swallow?

Or NC in general! This state is SO behind the times I amazes me.....

For god's sake, Obamas, DO NOT waste your time & your money moving here.. I heard Michelle Obama wanted to buy property here.. it's simply NOT worth it!

Course you're millionaires so it hardly effects you, but if you are regular working person, it surely WILL affect your life! BUT, you will STILL have to leave your car to enter a store here.. Good LUCK trying\ to do that safely!
I cannot COUNT the number of times I've almost been KILLED trying to get from my car to a nearby store, especially in east Asheville, but YET, you see NO COP CARS whatsoever in the parking lots in our local shopping centers to ensure pedestrians safety. Don't move here! You'll end up losing your savings, spending month after month even TRYING to find a job and getting NOTHING!
They asked if Buncombe county, where Asheville is located is a tourist trap, and now I see why it's called a trap. Cuz you are UNABLE to leave here, after awhile, you're so poor, you have NOTHING to be able to move out of here with!

Yeah, that's REALLY a sign of a progressive town! One, in which you have to live like paupers to survive!

Of COURSE, they LIE like HELL here, and they'll tell you ANYTHING. It's a common knowledge that Mission is a LOUSY hospital to get treated in, yet, they got ALL these ads on the radio claiming they're GREAT!

Oh, bullshit they're great, they won't even help you out by giving you something to eat after you've been in the ER for over 10 hours, and you're about to pass out!
Gosh.. ALL these lousy, horribly run business which just keep getting MORE powerful & rich..
What's that expression. Absolute Power creates corruption... so true...