Thursday, May 27, 2010

People who put others lives at risk

I have a large problem with this type of person. Unfortunately, lately, I keep running into these type of people.

Today I ran into a woman who decided to put her own dogs lives at risk by leaving her car, and not even having the windows down on the car a crack! Today was a unreasonably humid day. Sure there was not sunshine out at the time, but still, just looking in the window at these two dogs, I knew they were in danger.
They had this extremely troubled pleading look on both their faces, like they were saying to me, "Help us!"

So.. what was I do to? I'm an animal lover... definitely LOVE dogs. I always have! I guess that stems from knowing many friendly dogs when I was a kid. My grandma would feed this one dog all the time at nite... Blackie.. Oh, Blackie was great.. Some kind of hound-labrador mix, but so so friendly. He'd appear at the back door at night and nannie would feed him our dinner's table scraps. You see all my family has loved dogs. Dogs are great! But you gotta treat them right, or they get hurt.

I know for a fact, since it's getting hotter, to step into a car that has its window rolled up, it's NOT comfortable or easy to breathe in a car that has all the windows rolled up! Try it sometime. You are driving, stop, turn off the engine, leave your windows rolled up and sit there for a minute or two. After about ONLY 3 minutes you start to sweat. Well, the dogs in that car had NO air!

I went into one business, desperately hoping it was the one in which the owner of those dogs were, for who was going to save those dogs if I couldn't find its owner. I was freaking out cuz there was dozens of business in that plaza!
I was lucky. The place I went into HAD the owner of the dogs. I asked the store personnel to make an announcement that a certain type of car outside, had TWO dogs in it, and they had forgotten or neglected to roll down their windows. Maybe the owner DID forget. We do forget things, we're human, we make mistakes EVERY day!
Well, I was shocked by the owner's reaction! They got completely hostile with me, telling me to MIND MY OWN BUSINESS and went out to their car and stood there for several minutes, NOT ROLLING the windows for those TWO dogs, suffering in the car, but TALKING on their CELL PHONE!
Funny thing is, there was a K9 sticker on the car! I don't know exactly what that means, but it indicates to me they might TRAIN dogs.
But K9 is known yes, to train dogs, but not to torture them! Poor dogs! And they were young dogs too. They didn't even bark at me, and maybe they SHOULD have!
I have a very barky dog, but I think my dog is often, not trying to misbehave but communicate something to me. What it is, often, I DON'T know. I don't speak dog, wish I did, but they do not bark for no reason!

Well, at least I may have helped those dogs from suffering much longer. I was shocked that owner wouldn't IMMEDIATELY go out and roll down the windows of their car! It distresses me how people abuse or neglect their animals and considering we had such hot humid weather, I'm hoping that woman was taught a lesson, that this is not a common thing for her to do.. since those poor dogs are going to suffer ALOT if she continues this habit.
Yes, I know you don't want your dogs to jump out of your car, lady, but honestly, there IS a device available you can get to put into the car window's that supplies air.. sort of like a cheap window fan.
What a jerk you are!
Sorry people, but I'm always disgusted by people who neglect their animals. I have seen this TOO much in my life, I'm afraid.

Well, just got done watching a commentary about Colgan Airlines, a regional air carrier whose aircraft crashed in the Everglades on Flight 341. I discovered that the pilot had been pencil whipping the W&B records and the plane was too heavy to safely fly! Wow! This is an eye opener, but I've never really TRUSTED the regional airlines for some reason. Now I find out why!
They got a brand new aircraft, a big one, a Qsomething.. maybe it's Q400, not sure, but it seems many of the pilots were having trouble flying it! Well, some a/c ARE difficult to fly, that's very true. But you do NOT put people's lives at risk, getting that a/c and not sufficiently training your pilots to fly it! Then the regional manager told the FAA that the pilot who was pencil whipping a/c records the was a GOOD competent pilot! WRONG! So very wrong! You don't even want to take a Cessna 152 and overload the thing. It MAY well crash on you.
I'll go look up how many people DIED in that crash.....oh.. forget it.. I'm running in to DOZENS of reports of aircraft fatalities
and accidents and wondering WHY there is such an increase in a/c accidents. I've just looked at a airplane accident website and almost every WEEK I see crashes.. many of them regional airlines, I'm afraid.

well, anyway, back to my blog.
ANY pilot who pencil whips the info for the weight & balance should be shot on site in my humble opinion... let alone a regional airline carries, and have their a/c license PERMANENTLY revoked! What the hell was that pilot thinking???
Aviation is supposed to be ALL ABOUT SAFETY, not putting others lives at risk! You wanna do that, go be a hit man, dude!
Cripeys! Which reminds me of that wonderful Australian animal lover, Steve Erwin. How I miss that guy! But he would do risky things, but I'm afraid the last thing he did, swimming in the ocean near sting rays was NOT a wise move, and that's why we don't have him with us anymore. The sting rays can sting you and kill you!

All these people who INSIST on feeding wild animals can ALSO kill someone off, with their actions! I wish there was like a FAA agency for the general public when people do STUPID things like feed wild bears & deer!
Instead we got a DUMB arse state agency, the NC wildlife commission who INSISTS on telling people it's OK to feed wild animals! Wrong so very wrong people!
Dead is dead! It doesn't matter HOW it happens, once you're gone, you ain't coming back, not unless you are someone named Lazarus!
Maybe Colgan Airlines ought to rename themselves Lazarus airlines..... hmmmmm.... LOL.. I WONDER just HOW MANY folks would even THINK to get on an airline named that, but possibly the regional airlines ought to start doing just that.... so we have at least a "HINT" that we MAY not be coming back to our homes after taking a flight with their risk-taking air carriers.
Just read that many flights out of O'Hare are now using the Regional carriers instead of a normal full "grown" jet, like a 747, or such....
Gosh, once I took a flight out of NH and we were on such a small plane you couldn't even STAND UP! No bathroom either.. NOT a pleasant flight and it was at night too. I had a connecting flight and was in the coffee house of the airport, and overhead the Co-pilot to the pilot saying he'd not flown at night in 6 months! Or something to that effect! Yet, he was flying US! Well, that' s ILLEGAL!

I'd like to be a FAA inspector. I'd send these idiots to the MOON if they F'ed up! I tell ya, I HATE people who put other people's lives at risk. That's SO past inconsiderate and downright EVIL I cannot even speak!