Thursday, May 27, 2010

I tend to look DOWN on people who are different from me, a church goer said

Yes, that's right! That's what someone said in church today. It was shocking and depressing. It's a Christian church, yet you have THIS attitude! The person who said it seemed like a very nice person too.

your lack of tolerance for ANYONE who's got a different religion is tragic enough. What? Only CHRISTIANS are going to Heaven? You think Moses is now sitting in the depths of Hades, smoking a jag? I doubt it!
To me, these type of people are what I like to call "pseudo"-Christians! They act like they are Christians, but to my mind's eye, they are not christ-like at all, and Jesus would be ASHAMED to be associated with them.

Hey, we are ALL God's children. Another guy in church claimed that everyone in China was an Atheist! ROLLING EYES BIG TIME! My word! No, they are NOT! Many people in China are Buddhist but does that make them Atheist!

People who put others lives at risk

I have a large problem with this type of person. Unfortunately, lately, I keep running into these type of people.

Today I ran into a woman who decided to put her own dogs lives at risk by leaving her car, and not even having the windows down on the car a crack! Today was a unreasonably humid day. Sure there was not sunshine out at the time, but still, just looking in the window at these two dogs, I knew they were in danger.
They had this extremely troubled pleading look on both their faces, like they were saying to me, "Help us!"

So.. what was I do to? I'm an animal lover... definitely LOVE dogs. I always have! I guess that stems from knowing many friendly dogs when I was a kid. My grandma would feed this one dog all the time at nite... Blackie.. Oh, Blackie was great.. Some kind of hound-labrador mix, but so so friendly. He'd appear at the back door at night and nannie would feed him our dinner's table scraps. You see all my family has loved dogs. Dogs are great! But you gotta treat them right, or they get hurt.

I know for a fact, since it's getting hotter, to step into a car that has its window rolled up, it's NOT comfortable or easy to breathe in a car that has all the windows rolled up! Try it sometime. You are driving, stop, turn off the engine, leave your windows rolled up and sit there for a minute or two. After about ONLY 3 minutes you start to sweat. Well, the dogs in that car had NO air!

I went into one business, desperately hoping it was the one in which the owner of those dogs were, for who was going to save those dogs if I couldn't find its owner. I was freaking out cuz there was dozens of business in that plaza!
I was lucky. The place I went into HAD the owner of the dogs. I asked the store personnel to make an announcement that a certain type of car outside, had TWO dogs in it, and they had forgotten or neglected to roll down their windows. Maybe the owner DID forget. We do forget things, we're human, we make mistakes EVERY day!
Well, I was shocked by the owner's reaction! They got completely hostile with me, telling me to MIND MY OWN BUSINESS and went out to their car and stood there for several minutes, NOT ROLLING the windows for those TWO dogs, suffering in the car, but TALKING on their CELL PHONE!
Funny thing is, there was a K9 sticker on the car! I don't know exactly what that means, but it indicates to me they might TRAIN dogs.
But K9 is known yes, to train dogs, but not to torture them! Poor dogs! And they were young dogs too. They didn't even bark at me, and maybe they SHOULD have!
I have a very barky dog, but I think my dog is often, not trying to misbehave but communicate something to me. What it is, often, I DON'T know. I don't speak dog, wish I did, but they do not bark for no reason!

Well, at least I may have helped those dogs from suffering much longer. I was shocked that owner wouldn't IMMEDIATELY go out and roll down the windows of their car! It distresses me how people abuse or neglect their animals and considering we had such hot humid weather, I'm hoping that woman was taught a lesson, that this is not a common thing for her to do.. since those poor dogs are going to suffer ALOT if she continues this habit.
Yes, I know you don't want your dogs to jump out of your car, lady, but honestly, there IS a device available you can get to put into the car window's that supplies air.. sort of like a cheap window fan.
What a jerk you are!
Sorry people, but I'm always disgusted by people who neglect their animals. I have seen this TOO much in my life, I'm afraid.

Well, just got done watching a commentary about Colgan Airlines, a regional air carrier whose aircraft crashed in the Everglades on Flight 341. I discovered that the pilot had been pencil whipping the W&B records and the plane was too heavy to safely fly! Wow! This is an eye opener, but I've never really TRUSTED the regional airlines for some reason. Now I find out why!
They got a brand new aircraft, a big one, a Qsomething.. maybe it's Q400, not sure, but it seems many of the pilots were having trouble flying it! Well, some a/c ARE difficult to fly, that's very true. But you do NOT put people's lives at risk, getting that a/c and not sufficiently training your pilots to fly it! Then the regional manager told the FAA that the pilot who was pencil whipping a/c records the was a GOOD competent pilot! WRONG! So very wrong! You don't even want to take a Cessna 152 and overload the thing. It MAY well crash on you.
I'll go look up how many people DIED in that crash.....oh.. forget it.. I'm running in to DOZENS of reports of aircraft fatalities
and accidents and wondering WHY there is such an increase in a/c accidents. I've just looked at a airplane accident website and almost every WEEK I see crashes.. many of them regional airlines, I'm afraid.

well, anyway, back to my blog.
ANY pilot who pencil whips the info for the weight & balance should be shot on site in my humble opinion... let alone a regional airline carries, and have their a/c license PERMANENTLY revoked! What the hell was that pilot thinking???
Aviation is supposed to be ALL ABOUT SAFETY, not putting others lives at risk! You wanna do that, go be a hit man, dude!
Cripeys! Which reminds me of that wonderful Australian animal lover, Steve Erwin. How I miss that guy! But he would do risky things, but I'm afraid the last thing he did, swimming in the ocean near sting rays was NOT a wise move, and that's why we don't have him with us anymore. The sting rays can sting you and kill you!

All these people who INSIST on feeding wild animals can ALSO kill someone off, with their actions! I wish there was like a FAA agency for the general public when people do STUPID things like feed wild bears & deer!
Instead we got a DUMB arse state agency, the NC wildlife commission who INSISTS on telling people it's OK to feed wild animals! Wrong so very wrong people!
Dead is dead! It doesn't matter HOW it happens, once you're gone, you ain't coming back, not unless you are someone named Lazarus!
Maybe Colgan Airlines ought to rename themselves Lazarus airlines..... hmmmmm.... LOL.. I WONDER just HOW MANY folks would even THINK to get on an airline named that, but possibly the regional airlines ought to start doing just that.... so we have at least a "HINT" that we MAY not be coming back to our homes after taking a flight with their risk-taking air carriers.
Just read that many flights out of O'Hare are now using the Regional carriers instead of a normal full "grown" jet, like a 747, or such....
Gosh, once I took a flight out of NH and we were on such a small plane you couldn't even STAND UP! No bathroom either.. NOT a pleasant flight and it was at night too. I had a connecting flight and was in the coffee house of the airport, and overhead the Co-pilot to the pilot saying he'd not flown at night in 6 months! Or something to that effect! Yet, he was flying US! Well, that' s ILLEGAL!

I'd like to be a FAA inspector. I'd send these idiots to the MOON if they F'ed up! I tell ya, I HATE people who put other people's lives at risk. That's SO past inconsiderate and downright EVIL I cannot even speak!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What does it take to get someone to be kind to you in this town?

I have to ask that, or should I just GIVE UP? I think I need to develop the attitude that almost NO ONE is pleasant around here, and then I won't keep getting disappointed!
You'd think I was living in the middle of downtown New York during some very bad times, not a place like Asheville, but this place is a myth! It's an awful place to live, cuz it's SO dangerous, low paying, people drive like maniacs and you're almost KILLED several times a day cuz NO ONE gives a darn about anyone but themselves, though it's TOUTED as being one of the BEST places to live in the southeast!
They JUST had an article and ever a MARCH over the fact that one of the MOST busy & dangerous places to walk in Asheville, East Asheville has the LEAST sidewalks and often NOTHING but a GOAT path! Oh, YEAH, we're a GREAT place to live! So "green", so "progressive"... so "pro-pedestrian"..... (eyes rolling) so WRONG!

Don't think that for a minute! If you are a working person, don't even CONSIDER coming here. you'll not survive! I've read at least a FEW newspaper articles where people came here, couldn't find work or a decent job and completely DRAINED their bank accounts! Of thousands of dollars even, $20,000, etc... not a good thing.
You know FINALLY they come out in the paper today in the AVL citizen times, and admitted that it's the Worst place in the state to try make a living due to the LOUSY wages (they quoted many workers as only getting $16,000 a year! $16,000 in the year 2010!
Asheville, who the FUCK are you TRYING to kid anyways? $16K is a LOUSY wage to earn in this day & time, and we're also KNOWN to be the most EXPENSIVE place to live, housing wise.. So trying to live here puts you between a rock and a hard place financially unless you LIKE draining your bank account!!
actually in MANY ways we're the most expensive, our gas is the highest in the area, probably the state, as the tankers always have to drive up a mountain to deliver gas to us!
Oh, for god's sake. STOP fucking lying and pretending this is a decent place to live! If you cannot even pay your basic living expenses you are NOT doing well, no matter HOW pretty it is! How pretty is it, to go without food, cuz you've spent all the money you earn to pay your rent/mortgage?
Then they were saying they were doing a GOOD job attracting jobs to this area! ROTFLOL..

Oh, well, WHAT fucking jobs are those? And you know what I notice.. MOST of the jobs are just service jobs and I don't see ONE single person, usually over 30 years old in those jobs!
My friend came here, and he's very talented guy and couldn't even get a 3 day a week job! He ended up having to drive a beer truck to pay his expenses and his housing situation was deplorable! He sure didn't look 30 either! I thought he was about 25 when I met him.. but he's gone now... Too bad, he was a NICE guy, but all the NICE people end up leaving!
So.. if you are OVER 30, good luck even GETTING a job, even a frigged up job like a crummy retail or restaurant job for over $7.50 an hour! That's RIDICULOUS! There's NOTHING progressive about this town! To live like a pauper cuz there are pretty moutains in the distance is nonsense!
What Asheville? You think you are the ONLY pretty place in this country... or the WORLD?? Cuz you sure ACT like it! I've lived dozens of more beautiful places than this one, many of them tourist-driven economies too and I can tell you, NO ONE was living hand to mouth like they are FORCED to do in this town!
Florida is a BIG tourist area, but YET, those people do NOT live hand to mouth, like they do here in Asheville!
What a fucked up state NC is! They have the MOST taxes on EVERYTHING here.. Even a newspaper is taxed! Seeds for a garden, bubble gum!
AND WHAT the F are they doing with the money they gleam from ALL these taxes I want to know? Our roads SUCK, period! They cannot even THINK to bring sidewalks to East Asheville cuz they are CONCERNED it will cost at least $250,000 but yet in the SAME newspaper, they are bragging they put new SIGNS for the tourists up to find stuff that cost them $1.65 million. And they SURE were not the LEAST bit concerned about spending $1.65 million on silly tourist signs, but couldn't find it in their heart to put up SIDEWALKS that only cost $250,000!
Oh, this is SUCH a kind-hearted town! So NOT true at all! Even the poor veterans couldn't have a SAFE place to walk to go visit the VA hospital day after day when they needed medical treatment! THAT is kind???? Who the FUCK are you fooling anyways?

you surely DO NOT fool me, that's for damn sure...... but then I have a BRAIN! So sorry your local residents who've lived here all their lives do NOT! Sorry, to the ones who do.. but honestly, if you were living any other place, people would be PROTESTING day & night in the streets to change things..
You just go with the flow! Dumb, so very fucking dumb! I even heard that in Tennessee they were putting on protest marches in DROVES cuz they had laws that the residents did NOT like! Yeah, I need to move west of here.. at least TN people have brains! They also have courtesy! Something I've sorely missed living in WNC!
I remember my friend from TN telling me YEARS ago that people in NC were hateful, and you know, he's SO right! So very very right! It's sad, but it's true..
Who in their RIGHT mind wouldn't want to pass laws to prevent animals cruelty and YET hail themselves as "progressive", meaning they had some concern for others besides themselves!

well, maybe you have CONCERN for all the gays, and all the people COVERED with tattoos and piercings but you CERTAINLY have NO concern for the little guy here, NONE!

Yeah. you are SO concerned with the residents in this town who FOOT THE BILL FOR THE TOURISTS! You can spend $1.65 MILLION on SIGNS but yet, putting out $250,000 on SIDEWALKS which would keep people ALIVE is NOT one of your concerns.
Good going Asheville city planners! Once again, you've fucked up royally! :X

So.. let me guess.. You DEMAND tourists (who are only here for a few DAYS) EASILY find a place to buy a shirt or a meal they crave, but GOD FORBID you make it SAFE for the people who live here ALL their LIVES and pay your bloody taxes every god damn single day can safely even walk in their own neighborhoods!

Really smart Asheville! This town makes me PUKE with their ridiculous and stupid decisions! In fact the whole STATE has the most STUPID laws I've ever seen! They just had an article about a puppy being beaten and burned over 60% of his body, yet there's NO LAWS in the state to even give that person who injured that poor puppy a single DAY in jail!

Oh, yeah, Asheville, & NC in general..... you're just so fucking progressive! Pffffft! What other fucking ridiculous ideas do you expect us to swallow?

Or NC in general! This state is SO behind the times I amazes me.....

For god's sake, Obamas, DO NOT waste your time & your money moving here.. I heard Michelle Obama wanted to buy property here.. it's simply NOT worth it!

Course you're millionaires so it hardly effects you, but if you are regular working person, it surely WILL affect your life! BUT, you will STILL have to leave your car to enter a store here.. Good LUCK trying\ to do that safely!
I cannot COUNT the number of times I've almost been KILLED trying to get from my car to a nearby store, especially in east Asheville, but YET, you see NO COP CARS whatsoever in the parking lots in our local shopping centers to ensure pedestrians safety. Don't move here! You'll end up losing your savings, spending month after month even TRYING to find a job and getting NOTHING!
They asked if Buncombe county, where Asheville is located is a tourist trap, and now I see why it's called a trap. Cuz you are UNABLE to leave here, after awhile, you're so poor, you have NOTHING to be able to move out of here with!

Yeah, that's REALLY a sign of a progressive town! One, in which you have to live like paupers to survive!

Of COURSE, they LIE like HELL here, and they'll tell you ANYTHING. It's a common knowledge that Mission is a LOUSY hospital to get treated in, yet, they got ALL these ads on the radio claiming they're GREAT!

Oh, bullshit they're great, they won't even help you out by giving you something to eat after you've been in the ER for over 10 hours, and you're about to pass out!
Gosh.. ALL these lousy, horribly run business which just keep getting MORE powerful & rich..
What's that expression. Absolute Power creates corruption... so true...

The people in this town.... sigh....

Oh, well, another ho hum Saturday night. Actually it was not really bad. I finally decided to go out, since I've not been feeling so great lately and often go to bed early... something I never did before.

I've starting to fear I may have contracted Lyme Disease... I have almost ALL the symptoms, the bulls-eye rash, fatigue, diahrrea, joints aches and so on.
Looking online, I saw there was some movement claiming that NO ONE in NC can catch Lyme Disease and they have run out of state many of the doctors that were effectively treating folks for that dreaded disease.

I actually went into the Health Dept and told them there's a woman in town, who lives near the kids ballpark who's deliberately not only had been feeding the deer, but STILL months later, she's STILL got this big salt block out to attract deer.
Do you think the Health Dept. gave a damn though? Nope! They told me to contact the same damn govt agency who told me back in December it was perfectly LEGAL to feed wild animals, ANY wild animals.
How stupid can you NC people be anyway? You want to have your next door neighbor be able to feed wild bears so you have to constantly run from you car to your door to get inside?
God, you guys are sheer idiots! I hate to say it but it's SO true! What the hell are you thinking NC govt?
I also found a website for the Fox News where LOTS Of people, esp. a couple in Asheville were saying they caught Lyme Disease but couldn't find a doctor who would treat them for it, or even diagnose them!
My god! This is deplorable! This is the most fucked up place to live I've have EVER seen!!! It's like you simply do NOT care if someone lives or dies, but yet, you're MORE than willing to give HEALTH benefits to gay partners of people who don't even work!
Hey! You really think the rest of us do NOT want to stay healthy??? Give me a break!
Hey, two guys getting together sure ain't gonna produce no children, I can tell you what! But YET, you don't want to give decent paying jobs to straight people! I just read an article in the Mt. Express where it says that 31% of the folks in Buncombe county are working but live below the poverty level and cannot meet their basic living expenses!
31%? That's almost 1/3 of the people here, yet we are considered the Paris of the south? Why? are Parisians also living below the poverty level at a rate of 1/3 of its population? I'm doubting it! The French are alot more intelligent than that!
Well... it's just another reason to get the FUCK out of this place!

Anyway... that's one thought but another was how a "friend" of mine always calls me late at nite on the weekend to come hang out with him for a bit. He's ALWAYS going out clubbing, many of the places, just meat markets really, but yet, he's never invited me to go to a ballgame, a movie, out for a snack, couldn't bother answering ANY of my phone calls or message during the week, but yet at 2 am, I'm expected to go hang out with him, even if I've not heard from him for months!
It's kinda creepy in the fact, it's like I'm "just good enough to do stuff with when he's got nothing better to do"! I don't know what the fuck it IS about NC people, but they are SO insensitive, many of them. I will not say ALL of them, cuz I have met some GOOD NC people, but it's few & far between the jerks I meet constantly in the last several years!
I hate it for the nice southerners too, the bad ones sure make a bad name for the nice ones! Well, I wasn't really having a bad time before he called anyways.. I was sort of having fun... They have DJ's at this place and though I was in too much pain to dance it was nice to see all these people dancing around, having fun.. No one was really being obnoxious. One guy kept beckoning me to come dance on the floor with him, but I was too tired and not feel great physically cuz of all the aches & pains, I've afraid I've got now, cuz I think I DO have Lyme Disease!
Well, funny thing there was one guy who kept noticing me, and kept saying hello and shaking my hand. It was not creepy, sort of flattering in a way. He was not really my type but nice when guys pay attention to you in a nice way.
When I went outside to go meet my friend, later in the evening though, the friendly guy had come up to me again to shake my hand and introduce me to his other 2 friends..... he was a nice friendly guy..
I sort of brushed him off, though when I saw my friend and I was thinking, You know.. this is bullshit! This guy NEVER asks me to come to his place, though he's been to mine several times... never really wants ANYTHING to do with me, other than hang out when it suits HIM!
Well, I did notice he was pretty friendly to some girl who asked for a cigarette when I went to use the bathroom. We ONLY hung out for an hour but that place was open ALL NIGHT and I SHOULD of gone back in there after my friend split!
I felt SO weird, driving out of there, all by myself, when the WHOLE parking lot was FULL of cars. Who knows, I might have made some good friends or better yet, met a nice guy. That guy though he's pleasant to hang out with, is REALLY not a good friend though!
It's like we are JUST aquaintances and that's it!
That's just so PAR for the COURSE though with NC people! They'll use you when it suits then, but other than that, they want NOTHING to do with ya, will talk about you behind your back, non-stop and wouldn't even speak up for ya, if you needed them to! I'm just SO fed up with these people, I'm actually starting to feel I'm SO sick of listening to southern accents and all their stupid thought processes!
They don't think anything like I do... they are so prejudiced against ANYONE who's NOT EXACTLY like them! Who didn't grow up in the same community or the same area or same STATE!
That's just SO ridiculous to my way of thinking. We grew up with people from all OVER the world when I was a kid. We had a neighbor from Scotland on our street, a friend from Italy, my friend's grandma was directly from Ireland, etc etc. etc.... so I cannot CONCEIVE just WHY southerners make it SUCH a point to discriminate against someone based on WHERE they are born! Especially when it's from a different state! I swear, the southerners, in general, have to be the MOST narrow-minded people I've EVER met! Ever!
That's just plain ignorance to me! Reminds of the people want to feed deer in our area! The woman supposedly works for a DOCTOR'S office, yet she wants to risk others lives feeding wild deer & bucks to collect their antlers, when she OUGHT TO KNOW there's NO Lyme Disease shots available! She ought to know there's a good chance someone could be killed having a deer run into their car! Supposedly she's intelligent, but she just doesn't care.
One thing I have noticed is... she ALWAYS leaves both the salt block and the food for the deer OUTSIDE her fence, never inside! Well, if you are SO in love with deer, why don't you want them coming into your yard ma'am? Inside YOUR fence? I'm guessing you are doing it for your safety, but to hell with anyone else's safety!
I saw a poor mom in Asheville had a young son who's gotten Lyme Disease and I wonder if he's ever hung out in the park near where this woman lures deer onto her property so she can collect antlers?
It's strange and sad, but they just shot a bear to death who had bitten some guy on the foot (a puncture wound they said) after he bit someone when tourists had been feeding him. Well, you see, it's DANGEROUS to feed wild animals, what would make you think anything else?????
But YET... people KNOW that deer hitting someone's car could well KILL them and they certainly do not want to shoot deer! Why? You WANT to be killed by deer hitting your car??
But YET, our damn State Wildlife Commission give EVERYONE in the state the RIGHT to feed wild animals! Well, I sort of pity the poor bear! I do... I'm scared of bears running around my yard.. I've dealt with that before, but they will NOT come over if you do NOT leave food out for them!
Now a poor bear is DEAD! So how much good did you do that bear? He got a few free meals but so what? He's not even alive to walk about now! That's a pity and a travesty! But you KEEP in insisting it's OK & it's LEGAL to feed wildlife and you're going to have even MORE poor wild animals dead!
I'm surprised NO deer have been killed yet trying to cross the road to get to this woman's salt block! It's amazing, considering how much traffic exists on that road! Wow.... you know.. I just don't get the whole mentality of many people, I simply don't!
Nor, do I think, I really want to....
Funny, thing is.. I went to another town a couple of weeks back and was so SURPRISED at how POLITE everyone was there! It was like being back in the old days where people just showed general courtesy to others.

Asheville has become a hateful town. I went shopping yesterday and was trying to walk across the PEDESTRIAN walkway near the Walmart and these two girls almost RAN ME OVER WITH THEIR car. I looked at the license plate as they zoomed off, and it say, FD--something simple too, like 1341 FD, but FD stands for fire dept! That somehow does NOT surprise me, as we had a fireman in town that shot at some guy bicycling with his toddler on the back of the bike!

The fireman got FOUR SHORT MONTHS in jail! 4 months for trying to kill someone???? Yeah.. Asheville is progressive alright.. VERY progressive if you're a crook, or you're a weirdo! Then they put you up on pedestal!
Get your act together Asheville! Your govt makes such stupid errors in judgement it sometimes makes me cringe!! There's NOTHING progressive about you! It's like living in cave man days!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I don't know what to do for work anymore....

I'm at a crossroads at the moment.. I cannot keep "existing" in this area without decent income.

It's just NOT working out for me. I have NO decent friends in this town.. Asheville has become a really hateful city in my own opinion, but I've met my fair share of not so nice people here.

I cannot even get someone to call me up on my birthday to wish me happy birthday! Yeah, it's THAT bad.. what a wicked town..

I was crying about it yesterday while doing errands and I just cannot help it.... There's NO hope in this town for ANYTHING good to happen to me here. None.. I would be a fool to think this is a good place to live as far as jobs, friends, any kind of opportunity. This was once a nice place to live.. no more......

And you know what? I see ALL these low life people who are doing SO WELL in this town, and it just kinda makes me sick... I KNOW of folks who were born here, or lived here for decades and are BARELY making it.

Yet, all these folks who either JUST moved in, or are really & truly low-lifes are doing GREAT! It disgusts me.....

I cannot help it.. I just see what I see in fact. I don't make stuff up.. I do not need to.. It's just a fact.. This town has always been a not-so-great place to make a living but once they turned it into a mecca for all the weirdos, plus a haven for millionaires, just whatever good stuff was out there about Asheville, evaporated.

I think back as to how NICE people ONCE were in this town.. Both to newcomers and the regulars and I just cringe. I think someone has cast a spell on this town.
I wish someone had the forethought to create something WORTHWHILE in this town.

We could definitely use a movie studio in this town, but it will probably never occur. It's just blind stupidity.

You got a gorgeous part of Appalachia and instead of using that beauty to create jobs and films and opportunities, instead you take gorgeous tracts of land and turn them into car lots! Or cut down every tree standing and put up housing developments only the rich & famous can afford!

God, Asheville, whoever runs this city has NO brains whatsoever! It's just so darn stupid. So WHAT you got millionaires building their estates on top of mountain ridges.

If you got an economy where a college graduate can ONLY make $8/hr at best, you are really ONE FUCKED up city Asheville!
But then..... this is the south.. You have got to be the most stubborn and bull-headed people I've ever met. Once you natives make up an opinion about someone or something, NOTHING will change your mind, never mind how convincing the circumstances are.

I'm SO glad I was NOT born in the south... at least the deep south.. Not talking about Florida.. that would be a real nice place to grow up in and I wish my family never moved out of Florida..

There are just SO many people in FL from all parts of the country/world, etc. it's SO cosmopolitan... compared to the "regular" south.
Plus the weather is always warm.. you don't gotta worry bout heating bills, for sure...But I will tell you, it was DEFINITELY cheaper living in Florida than it EVER was living in NC! Food is cheaper, gas, etc.....
You see, I have lived in many areas, where there was a bunch of people who were from different countries, different states so, if you are NOT from a certain state, I don't care... I really don't.

But here in Asheville, you make it SUCH an ISSUE where one was BORN.. like you think you have some CONTROL over where you are BORN?!?!?!..... If you were from NORTH of the Mason-Dixon line, you're history! Don't expect to make friends easy here, cuz just SO many of the southerners here despise ANYONE not from the south. It's just SO narrow-minded of them... it's pitiful really!

You southerners are never going to change I'm afraid. It's weird cuz they are just so excited that Obama is president now, and yes, it's a good thing, a black man, or a half-black man was elected president. But to STILL despise the group of people who helped liberate the blacks to start with is just so contrary and hypocritical and yet be SO pleased Obama is president it's beyond comprehension.

I don't get their whole mindset, but I think it is a good thing. I was brought up to respect ALL people not just people from the North, or people who had the same EXACT heritage as me.. that would be really foolish and stupid imho!

Anyway.. all my best friends were from different countries that my family was from and we were all different religions too. One of my friends was even part American Indian and so I was just brought up in a melting pot of lots of different types of people.

I guess, perhaps, that's WHY I don't GET southerners. I don't understand their mindset. But a part of me, really does NOT want to get them. I don't like ALOT of their prejudices and think they are fools to think this way to start with.

I must say, though there are smart southerners running about, there's a bunch of really dumb ones too. The way they trim or rather mutilate their trees come spring, cutting them down to the main trunk.. wow, NEVER saw that anywhere else in the world.

Or the way they cut their dog's hair in the summer, like THAT is going to keep the dog cool! Wrong! Hey. I've lived in tropical regions and NO ONE cuts their dog's hair to the skin in the summer.. That doesn't work either.

Oh, well, what can one say???? I don't know... I miss the north and the northwest. People are just so much more open and less critical of your heritage there.. It's just much more progressive places to live than living in the south, that's for sure!
Even the midwest.. gosh.. you know people are not generally so mindful of where exactly you are born, nor do they care!

Get over yourselves, southerners. You act like you are all so brilliant and the rest of the world are morons. Wrong, very very wrong....
The attitude in the south, in many ways is a disgrace to this nation. Remember this is the United States.

I think they need to pass a law saying that it's illegal to discriminate against people from a certain state. I know you cannot do that to people of a different nationality.

So.. WHY should the southerners be allowed to NOT talk to, not be decent to.. or not, in many cases, even HIRE people not born in the south. That's definitely discrimination!